Saturday, September 25, 2010

The HubPages platform allows you to quickly publish interesting and useful Hubs, giving potentially thousands of readers information and other content that they will treasure. Happy readers will enjoy your Hubs, give you valuable feedback, and even join your fan club!
There are many ways to make money on Hubpages. Making money on Hubpages doesn't have to be difficult, and read on to learn of the many great benefits that Hubpages offers to its writers!
he first obvious step in making money on Hubpages is to sign up for a Hubpages account. You can find a link on the bottom that leads through a tour before allowing you to sign up.
Sign up for a Google Adsense account. While there are multiple ways of monetizing a Hubpages Hub, the best way to make a lot of money through Hubpages is with Google Adsense ads.
Sign up for an Amazon Associates account. This is easily done through Hubpages, which just about guarantees that you'll be accepted
Sign up as an ebay affiliate. This is also much easier through Hubpages, and helps to guarantee your acceptance.

Build excellent keyword based hubs. Hubpages is well liked by Google, so you tend to get very good rankings for good web pages with a lot of relevant content. The more original, the better Put appropriate Amazon and ebay products on your Hubpages by using the Amazon & ebay modules.
Think of other ways to monetize, such as affiliate text links, or back links to other blogs or products you have.
.Write a LOT of hubs, and really build up your reputation. Some "hubbers" make a really good amount of money on Hubpages, and most of them have a great number of hubs. More hubs = more money.
Have fun! This is a great community that provides not only a place to display your writing, but to also make good money with Hubpages.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One Way Link Building

Let's be honest. No matter how good the content, that you create. If it's not on the first page of one of the major search engines, it might as well not exist. One way link building is the key to getting on that first page, for your targeted keywords. From there your quality content can take you, to the top.

Links to your pages are also referred to as backlinks. In this article I will show you the best ways to get those backlinks pointed to your web pages.

When you are building links to your pages, don't worry about getting bad links. While some links may carry less power, links cannot make you rank worse on the search engines

Revenue Sharing Sites
My best source of free quality links have been 2 revenue sharing sites Hubpages and Squidoo. Because Hubpages is the better one, I will explain how that works and leave you to explore Squidoo, which is similar, yourself.

Hubpages share their ad revenue with you, they give you 60% of the revenue generated from your pages. They use Adsense, Kontera, Amazon and Ebay to generate income.